Tuesday, 24 October 2017

BTS in new reality show

Posted by tyaa On Tuesday, October 24, 2017 0 comments

Aye fam, how's life? Have you seen BTS in “Please Take Care of My Refrigerator”?

Hey, TJ back at it again. This won't be a long post tho. 😂 I was wondering if you have seen BTS in the reality show as what I've mentioned above because I haven't. I read about it in soompi, it says there the show will be air on 30th October but most of the ARMY in AminoApps are saying that the raw episode is now available in kshownow (hope it is true), haven't checked the web tho. 🙍

Let us get some sneak-peek from soompi. 👇

Saturday, 21 October 2017

BTS Jungle

Posted by tyaa On Saturday, October 21, 2017 0 comments

Shoutout to my fellow ARMY out there! ✌

Are you an ARMY that love adventurous game?  Then this game is perfectly made for you. You'll be challenged with 3 games.
  1. Trick game
  2. Melody game
  3. Vision game
with ;
  • 130+ DOPE levels of puzzle
  • The tree of tricks with tricky order should take some BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS.
  • The tree vision with eyes, nose, lips games will make it like a SPRING DAY
And of course you're all be free to download them. Don't wait let's put it on FIRE.

Download links 👇

p/s: I copied this from Facebook of KPOPmusic game.👌

Checklist masuk asrama

Posted by tyaa On Saturday, October 21, 2017 1 comments

This post will be written in Malay but you can always use the Google translate to translate the content if you want to 😁

First of all, tujuan saya menulis blog ini adalah untuk memudahkan bakal-bakal junior yang diterima masuk ke sekolah asrama atau bakal tinggal di asrama kolej mahupun universiti.

Memang lumrahlahkan kalau balik-balik tanya kawan apa yang perlu dibawa pergi ke sekolah setiap kali sebelum bermulanya sesi persekolahan tahun baru. Maka oleh itu, disini saya akan menyediakan checklist barangan yang simple dan tidak memeningkan tapi sangat-sangat penting.

Both gender
antara barang-barangan yang perlu ada ialah
  • Baldi
  • Gayung
  • Barang mandian (berus gigi, syampoo, sabun mandi, ubat gigi etc.)
  • Selipar tandas
  • Kasut kuliah (kasut kulit)
  • Kasut sukan
  • Socks (apa-apa jenis pun boleh yang penting sesuai dengan occasion contohnya, jangan pakai sport socks pegi kelas unless kau ada P.E. class)
  • Kertas kajang (exam pad/exam sheet)
  • Alat tulis
  • Buku
  • Baju harian (bawa ja lah berapa pun)
  • Stock (makanan ringan 😂)
  • Hanger
  • Penjepit kain
  • Nail clipper
  • Sisir
  • Berus kain
  • Pocket file (plastik/yang macam manila card tu pun boleh)
  • Baju kurung (5 pasang pun okay sudah janganlah terlalu ikutkan checklist blog lain yang bawa sampai 10-15 pasang. Unless kau jenis malas mencuci bawalah banyak-banyak)
  • Pakaian dalam (skirt dalam, singlet etc)
  • Tudung (bawa lah yang kau rasa sesuai dengan baju baju yang kau bawa)
  • Anak tudung
  • Baju Melayu
  • Pakaian dalam
  • Seluar slack
  • Baju kemeja
Nota penting!!
baca bagus-bagus, hadamkan.
  • For college/university students
  1. Bawa laptop kerana ianya sangat penting. Bagi yang bakal memasuki kolej matrikulasi, kamu akan diajar cara membuat thesis oleh lecturer of English Department. Maka, laptop adalah sangat penting untuk menyiapkan thesis. Tapi, kalau tiada laptop janganlah paksa parents pergi beli sebab nanti kamu akan dibagi group/buat group of 4 jadi pandai-pandailah bekerjasama.
  2. Bawa telefon kerana kebanyakkan assignment akan dihantar melalui group WhatsApp/Telegram (sila beli sdcard yang storage besar kalau memory phone tidak cukup besar)
  3. Printer boleh bawa jangan risau
  4. Bawa iron (tidak perlu ironing board, pakai ja meja study yang disediakan)
  5. Tidak boleh bawa extension (termasuklah adapter yang boleh cucuk banyak plug tu)
  6. Sila sediakan calculator fx-570ES PLUS (ketahuilah bahawa ianya sangat memudahkan hidup anda kelak)
  7. Bawa heater
  8. Boleh bawa mi segera, jangan risau
  9. Sediakan buku latihan yang kecil untuk jotter book (experiment punya buku) dan latihan tutorial sekurang kurangnya 4, tapi kalau suka buat latihan dekat buku latihan yang panjang tu belilah yang panjang and for jotter book do ask your practical lecturer dia prefer buku yang macam mana untuk jotter and sometimes ada ja subject yang lecturer tidak minta jotter book. Apa-apa pun, ask your lecturer first.
  10. Bawalah kertas A4, terutamanya pelajar subject biology.
  11. Bagi pelajar perempuan, dibenarkan memakai baju lain selain baju kurung tapi dengan syarat mestilah dipadankan dengan skirt dan bukannya seluar.
  12. Ketahuilah, bahawa sesungguhnya akan ada Majlis Iftar Jama'ie (sekiranya kamu mendaftar pada bulan puasa), Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya, Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan dan Malam kebudayaan.
  13. Bagi pelajar lelaki, silalah bawa neck tie dan memakai baju Melayu/kurta pada hari Jumaat adalah dibenarkan tetapi tidak diwajibkan.
  • For boarding school students (sekolah berasrama penuh : sbp/mrsm/sekolah agama)
  1. Necktie dan tie clip akan disediakan di sekolah (belilah di koperasi nanti)
  2. Pakai calculator jenis fx-570MS pun sudah memadai. 
  3. Telefon bimbit/smartphone adalah diharamkan kecuali dengan izin warden. Maka oleh itu, duit syiling adalah sangat penting.
  4. Untuk jenis kasut sekolah ialah kasut kulit bagi pelajar SBP as for MRSM sis tak sure, sila rujuk surat tawaran. (sis dulu budak sbp bukan mrsm, maaf)
  5. Iron tidak perlu bawa, ianya sudah pun disediakan.
  6. Cadar tidak perlu beli sedia, ada dijual di koperasi (again this is for SBP, idk about the other types of boarding school) tapi kalau mau bawa sedia pun tidak mengapa yang penting tidak bercorak a.k.a warna putih.
  7. Bagi pelajar lelaki, baju Melayu warna putih adalah wajib pada hari Jumaat.

-The End-
p/s: kalau ada apa-apa soalan, feel free to comment down below atau directly chat me through fb or dm me through twitter.

Friday, 20 October 2017

1st Daily Diary

Posted by tyaa On Friday, October 20, 2017 0 comments
20 October 2017👀

This would be my first diary, so I am now alone in my room as my roommates are still not back from holiday. I got here early because I thought that I would be needing some time to study as the pretest is coming soon,which is next week but I can't even seem to focus here either. 😂 I should've just stayed at home and wait until the upcoming Sunday comes around then I'll be here.

My dad called me last night, he sounds a bit worried about me because I told him that I'm sleeping alone for 4 days here and he asked me this "if knew that you're alone there, why did you go back there?" and guess what I replied him? Yes, I said that I want to study because I can focus on my study here rather than being at home. How fool of me. 😹

I guess that's that for now, I'll reach out to you guys tomorrow 💕

Mendaftar sebagai pelajar kolej matrikulasi.

Posted by tyaa On Friday, October 20, 2017 0 comments

Hi guys, it's TJ. In this post, I will be sharing apa yang perlu kamu buat dan bawa sebelum dan semasa hari pendaftran 😃

Disebabkan saya merupakan pelajar yang mendaftar sebagai pelajar di Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan, maka saya akan menulis blog mengenainya tapi bagi yang mendaftar di kolej matrikulasi negeri lain pun boleh ja pakai ni rasanya.

  1. Pastikan surat perjanjian ada 2 salinan dan sudah ditandatangan. (Sila baca arahan dengan teliti, pelajar yang menerima tawaran masuk ke kolej matrikulasi selalunya mempunyai masa 2 bulan untuk menyiapkan semua dokumen sebelum hari mendaftar.)
  2. Borang yang memerlukan salinan kad pengenalan dan sijil lahir tidak perlu disahkan kerana sesungguhnya, ianya tidak dihantar pun.
  3. Sila buat tempahan hotel dengan awal kerana sesungguhnya Labuan ialah sebuah negeri yang kecil dan tidak mempunyai banyak hotel (untuk mengelakkan kejadian kehabisan hotel seperti yang berlaku pada tahun ini, sila ambil iktibar dari cerita pendek ini)
  4. Bagi pelajar perempuan, sila gunakan baju kurung semasa hari pendaftaran atau kamu akan diarahkan untuk menukar baju dan proses pendaftaran akan menjadi lambat. (yang pakai seluar akan diarahkan unutk menukar pakaian sebelum proses pendaftaran this is 100% based on my experienced kalau tidak percaya, silakan pakai seluar)
  5. Jangan datang lambat kerana sesungguhnya kamu perlu beratur untuk mengambil gambar kad matriks di library. 
  6. Sila sediakan gambar passport sekurang-kurangnya 4.
Lastly, jangan menyusahkan parents dihari pemdaftaran dan jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila kemukakan diruang komen. Sekian.

Being a KMLian

Posted by tyaa On Friday, October 20, 2017 0 comments
Hey guys, I'm back. This post is going to be a sequel on my last post 👏

5 June 2017, the turning point of my life. I came back to Labuan after 15 years since my last visit but the reason of me coming here in Labuan is not the same as my first visit. This time, I come to change my future but the last time I came here was to have a family vacation. 

The entrance

I was accompanied by my family during the registration day. I was very happy as I kept on telling myself 'this is it, you can make the difference, you can make your parents proud of you again, you can be a role model of your younger siblings again. Tyaa this is it!' I even keep on telling myself those words every morning before going to class now.

The beginning are always the bitter one

Posted by tyaa On Friday, October 20, 2017 0 comments
Hello guys it has been such a long time since I left blogging due to my tight schedule.

How are you guys doing?👀 I am hoping that my readers are having a good state of health.👌 So, regarding to this new entry of mine, I will be telling a story of how am I doing these days and some sort of my story being a collegian 😁

First of all, I am not an A grade student in fact I got D 😅 for both Chemistry and Additional Mathematics during SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) in 2016 (you may laugh, it's okay. I'm allowing you to do that) but I got accepted into Labuan Matriculation College. Guys, it is one of the best matriculation college here in Malaysia. I wasn't expecting it, well I didn't make it during SPM but now here I am.👏

Let's get started!👇

If you haven't experienced anything like how hard your exam results can pin you down to the core of the earth, you better work hard to not experience it. I experienced it and nothing is good with it, I tried to keep my mind in its positive state and it just won't do. I got anxious every time and sometimes I regret myself. I used to be an A grade students but I turned myself into some rebellious shit 😂  I was so depressed that I saw myself a useless daughter and an unreliable sister. I didn't get the offer to Form 6 and my mom keep on asking me "what would you do now? what is your future gonna be? this is karma for you. I put you in a good place but you followed your desire as a teenager and now you are nothing" It saddened me so much but I never lose hope, I keep on telling myself 'you'll be okay, hang in there, matriculation college and UPU have not made an any announcement yet' . Well actually, I don't want to study in Form 6 but since my result is not that good, I was hoping that I got enlisted.

Although it was hard for me, I just keep going on. I went to the driving institute to spend some time waiting for another offer to further my study and in less than 2 months learning how to drive, now I have my license. 

27 April 2017, the date of where I found my long lost soul and my hope (I am exaggerating and I know it) it was the day that I got the offer from LMC/KML (Labuan Matriculation College) 😹

Let's stop right here for now, I'll be posting any time soon about my journey in LMC, bye bye.✌