Hola mi amigos!
Sebenarnya, I've been wanting to write this ages ago tapi busy. Without any further ado, let's dive in.
IDK about other matrik, tapi matrik labuan ni ada 6 blocks of hostel (4 perempuan, 2 lelaki). Asrama perempuan are known as Karisma A, Karisma B, Madani C and Madani D. While for boys are Luhur E and Luhur F. Tapi budak kml biasa panggil blok abcdef ja. I've attached a picture below supaya senang la mau tau kedudukan blok blok kediaman.
cc:encik google (this map is for kml ye)
Baiklah, here's a few things you should know? i guess?
- Idk how pihak kolej buat penempatan pelajar, if you've read in other blog about "siapa datang awal dapat floor paling bawah" i don't think it is valid anymore. Sebab by the time you did the online pendaftaran you'll be assign to room. Jadi banyak banyakkanlah berdoa ya adik adik sekalian kalau mau dapat floor bawah.
- Don't ever percaya cerita hantu yang kamu dengar, unless you experienced it yourself.
- Boleh bawa gitar or ukelele. Apa apalah alat muzik yang senang mau bawa. TIDAK AKAN DIRAMPAS SEKIRANYA TIADA LAPORAN DIFAILKAN KEATAS PEMBAWA BY THE TIME YOU WERE REPORTED PLEASE BE PREPARED FOR YOUR THINGS KENA RAMPAS. Just bring it if you want to anyway.
- Blok A paling dekat dengan bilik tutorial dan dewan kuliah so whoever dapat blok A sila bersyukur. Yang dapat tingkat bawah untung sebab line wifi sampai, ngeh. Terutamanya bilik 1.21
- Satu bilik empat orang, single bed, locker sorang satu, suis lampu belajar dan lampu tempat tidur satu orang satu (so please be considerate of your roommate yang tidur, kalau lampu tempat tidur kamu on sila off kan).
- Suis tepi katil tidak boleh guna. Reasons.
The side yang terang tu lah tempat belajar.
Inilah tempat belajar, setiap orang ada plug masing-masing
This is the place where you sleep (the picture is shaky because of my shaking hand and idk how to use panorama).
That's that for now, if you have any questions do ask below!
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