Wednesday, 14 November 2012

YouTube ??

Posted by tyaa On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4 comments

Have you ever seen it before ?? So, those who don't know what is this actually I'm going to give you some explanation and on how to use this .... Firstly, click this link YTConv. Okay The page will appear as shown above...This website allows you to directly download the song that you like directly into mp3, so that's mean you don't need to convert the video after downloading it ... So, below I've make some tutorial for you as a brief... ^_^


As said on the picture, you just have to put your link in the link box... (there's an error typing in the picture not "videon" "video" actually sorry my mistake )


Just follow as said ~~~ ^_^


Now your song is ready to be download!!
good luck!
have a good try, have a nice day ^_^

Nora Athira Yasmin Kassim
Tawau, Sabah

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Posted by tyaa On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2 comments
Assalamualaikum readers... Ermm, awal pagi lagikk Tia open nie blogg dari jam 6 pagikk... Bahh biasa la bah tu .. cutikk kan ?? hehe, sebanarnya indakk tau ba ni maw post apa... hurmmpp... Beginilah kamu bagikk sa idea... kalau maw tuto letak itu ini di blog ka boleh jugakk ... oke .. bubbye! ^_^ (peace yo!)

Monday, 12 November 2012

Belacan & Paku

Posted by tyaa On Monday, November 12, 2012 0 comments

Kamuhh ada tenokk kahh nie Belacan dan Paku ??? Lutcuk2 nie... ba kalau kamuhh maw tenokkk video lainnya ... p bukak youtube search ni "click here!"  bleh ba kann ..??
yakin sak bolehh tuhh .. okay selamat maninguk ~~ ^_^

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Keajaiban Vemma

Posted by tyaa On Sunday, November 11, 2012 1 comments
Pernah dengar pasal minuman dari US ?? Minuman ni sebenarnya minuman jus manggis, tapi percaya minuman boleh ubat macam2 penyakit. Jus ni boleh ubat cancer, diabetes, kolestrol dan mengurangkan jerawat atau jeragat insya Allah kalau diamalkan ~ ^_^

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Thira & Blog!

Posted by tyaa On Thursday, November 08, 2012 0 comments
Assalammualaikum ~! Hye suma ! Thira sebenarnya baru nak berjinak-jinak ngan dunia blog nie..
sebelum ada buat blog gak, tapi hati ini baru skrng ada terbukak untuk serius ckit kat dalam blog nie
lepas kengkawan, kazen & orang2 tertentu beri dorongan tuk wat blog nie! Kpada suma pembaca silalah beri komen2 anda kepada saya untuk menjadi lebih baek dimasa akan datang! Trimas~!